
Your $30 donation to ARC allows you to become a member of ARC (Formerly known as the Association for Theopoetics). Your donation to ARC signals your interest in the dynamic work that is coming from the exploration of the places where spiritual and creative practices meet. It also helps us to:


Membership allows you access to:
Include your information on our Member Map (If you want)
Reduced rates for ARC products and online classes.
Apply to be an ARC Project Partner
Priority admission to online ARC events

ARC is a 501(c)3 charity philanthropy, so your donations are tax-deductible. Memberships run from February 1st through January 31st of the following year. Costs are pro-rated and reduced if you become a member midway through the year. 

If you would like to be supportive of ARC and identify yourself as member, but the $30 membership fee is too much of an obstacle, please be in contact with one of ARC’s Executive Directors.