A Definition
When we come across a new way that someone describes exactly what it is that "theopoetics" is, we make note of it. Here is a collection of 14 different folks who each give a slightly different articulation of it and/or why it matters to them and their work. If you know of someone's work (including your own) that should be in there, let us know and we'll make sure it gets put in.
The goal of this podcast is really to bring to the fore how embracing an emphasis on aesthetics, experience, and embodiment shapes the discursive poetics around a certain topic and lures us into a dynamism that isn’t at the surface of our often binaried dialogues. All nerdy terminology aside, I also envision these conversations being accessible to a wider audience than solely those within earshot of academia, which means that there will be a translational task for both the host and interviewee in terms of continuing to distill and clarify these conversations and topics so that many people will have access to the importance of inhabiting the theopoetic space. I hope you will consider joining me for these important conversations, as we need more deeply contemplative and compassionate engagement around faith, religion, politics, and aesthetics, & & & in a divided world.
The vision for THEOPOETICS was to have it serve as an interfaith container for the intersection of several conversations with theology: aesthetics, literature, embodiment, creativity studies, and the philosophy of imagination. While there is a preference for content specifically exploring facets of theopoetics as it has been identified by prior scholarship, use of the term “theopoetics” or “theopoetic” is not the criteria for acceptance. All work that takes up considerations of the method and genre of theological reflection will be considered, especially as it pertains to an emphasis on the particular and the evocative over and above the abstract and propositional. Writing should be high quality, but need not be academic in style.
A Theopoetics Bibliography
Over the years we've worked to curate and create a number of resources that folks have found helpful when trying to think about the ways in which art, faith, and bodies all collide with religious reflection. Many of these things are academic in nature. Some aren't. There are videos! And a podcast. All that we've got is here.