Theopoetics Conference 2020 Cancelled

Colleagues and Friends,

We regret to inform you that after meeting this morning, ARC’S Board of Directors voted to cancel the 2020 Theopoetics Conference. The decision was based on the rapidly-Shifting public health landscape around COVID- 19, coupled with an increasing number of people who let us know that they would not be attending for reasons related to the virus. Your safety is of utmost importance to us, and is What ultimately led to this decision. Those of you who were registered and want a formal declaration of our decision to cancel in an attempt to recoup airfare costs and/ or housing can find a letter in PDF form in your email.

We recognize that many may be disappointed at losing this opportunity to share their work, see dear friends, and to learn from the creativity and wisdom that wells up at Theopoetics every year. We too will miss this chance. In that spirit, know that while the conference will not happen this year, we are planning and will keep you updated on some exciting new ways to connect throughout the year. Be on the lookout for news in the next few weeks as we finish sorting through the current changes and turn our attention to what comes next. In closing, we name our gratitude for the public health workers, medical staff, researchers, policymakers, and all those who are working to support individual and communal health in this trying time.

On behalf of the ARC Board of Directors and with hopes for the flourishing of all creation,

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