ARC Transition Announcement

Dear ARC family,

What a season this has been. COVID has brought such a bitter harvest. We have lost people. Livelihoods have withered or altered radically. The contours of our social networks have been deeply marked. The “old normal” is gone forever. This has been as true for ARC as it has been for any of its stakeholders.

In the beginning of the year of 2021 we, the Board of Directors, announced with much enthusiasm the hiring of Tamisha A. Tyler as Executive Director of ARC. This was done in a process of transition in leadership and fiscal restructuring. In the bright light of the new year, we looked forward to continuing the mission of ARC into its next stage guided by her clear vision. But the tectonic changes that were underway were pressing in on our own foundations. Our programming was canceled, and resources were steadily depleted. We were unable to continue to keep her on staff.

It is with great sadness that we announce that Tamisha Tyler was laid off in July due to lack of finances. Tamisha Tyler has been a dedicated, capable and exceedingly competent employee. We are grateful for all the work and programming she has done these past months and wish her success in her future endeavors.

As we survey the contours of this new normal and the place of ARC in it, we will be sending out more details about what is next for us as an organization. If you have any questions, please, email us at