Insights: Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros

Insights is an interview show featuring members of the ARC community. This coming week our guest is Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros; author of Becoming Coztototl and columnist for Sojourners Magazine.


Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros is a Chicana, Tejana, and Mujerista from San Antonio, Texas. She is a Quest Fellow and Adjunct Instructor of English at Our Lady of the Lake University where she is in pursuit of a Master of Arts in English with emphases in literature, creative writing, and social justice. She was a columnist at Sojourners and has contributed to Duke's Faith & Leadership and The OnBeing Project. Her work has appeared in The Rumpus, The Acentos Review, Concho River Review, Christianity Today, among others. Her work appears alongside scholar poets in Latina Outsiders: Remaking Latina Identity, edited by Grisel Y. Acosta. Carolina is the 2019 Recipient for the Rubem Alves Award in Theopoetics, a high honor granted by Arts, Religion, Culture (ARC). Her activism has taken her to Capitol Hill to protest family separations at the US/Mexico Border and to the Southwest Workers Union to protest the banning of books as a result of the dismantling of the Mexican American Studies Program at Tucson Unified School District. She is a humble member of Santa Fe Episcopal Church. She serves on the Board of Directors for Arts, Religion, Culture (ARC), and is the poetry co-editor of The Journal of Latina Critical Feminism.