Invitation to Contribute: Chronicles of Change and Hope


In this season where isolation is a daily challenge, we invite you to share stories, songs, prayers, poems, images, or insights that capture a moment of connection. What have you seen, felt, or thought that gave you a sense of greater life? What small acts of resistance or transformation have you experienced that you want to offer to others? We know that we are in a challenging moment. We also know that this community is powerful and visionary; we want to provide a way for your power and vision to be shared. 

We would love to have you contribute in any medium (links for audio and video please) that allows you to communicate what you need to say in this time. Starting on April 6th, we will begin to share pieces with the ARC community via our blog, letting people know about your work via our email list, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Our hope is that by amplifying your voice we can contribute to the reminder that something more is possible. Contributions and questions can be sent to
