Insights: Jon Gill

Insights is an interview show featuring members of the ARC community. This week our guest is Jon Ivan Gill, an ARC member, MC, and philosopher of religion, process studies, and hip-hop.

Jon is a lecturer in English at Pomona College, and a lecturer at California State University, Dominguez Hills, Norco College, and Claremont School of Theology, teaching philosophy, religious studies, and theology. In the fall of 2020, Jon will start as Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Mn. He has written on Afrofuturism, religion, hip-hop, philosophy, poststructuralism, atheism, and creative writing. He is also a hip-hop musician and rapper performing under the name Gilead7, a part of a rap collective called Tomorrow Kings, and co-owner of Serious Cartoons Records and Tapes in San Bernardino, CA. His most recent book, Underground Rap as Religion: A Theopoetic Examination of a Process Aesthetic Religion, was released in 2019. Gill recently completed editing of a student volume on Afrofuturism and philosophy of religion, to be released in the fall of 2020.